Christian Assembly Bray

Who are we?

We are an independent Bible-based group of Christians. We believe that the church on earth consists of individuals who have recognised their need of salvation and believe that Christ died for the sins of all. By using faith and trust in Christ they have received His forgiveness and become part of His body (the church) here on earth. As a group we comprise a local Assembly which seeks to follow Christ's commands daily. We meet regularly for Bible Study, prayer and the Lord's Supper (Breaking of Bread).

Our only "rule book" is the Bible which we believe to be inspired by God. We believe that the Holy Spirit indwells all who have put their faith in Christ and we depend on the Holy Spirit to lead us to all truth.

We are completely independent and not linked by any hierachy or union. There are many such groups worldwide and we share fellowship at Bible Conferences, Missionary Meetings and by an exchange of visiting speakers at our meetings.

Our meetings

On Sunday morning we meet for worship and the Lord's Supper (Breaking of Bread). All who have placed their faith and trust in Christ's finished work on Calvary and are walking in fellowship are welcome to partake of the bread and wine. The meeting is open and depends on the guidance of the Holy Spirit to lead in worship and thanksgiving.

On Sunday evening we meet for Praise and Bible exposition, usually with a guest speaker.

On Wednesday evening we meet for prayer for ourselves, for the needs of others and for worldwide mission. This is usually followed by a Bible study led by one of our members.

Contact number: 087 286 7116 and 086 088 4365.

From September to June the Ladies Club meets on the second Monday of the month for an activity. The Ladies Prayer Meeting and Bible Study is held the fourth Monday of the month. For Ladies Club Meeting venues please contact Pam Goodwin on 087 7831617.


Meetings at 27 Florence Road, Bray began again in October 2017 in our new hall which was built on the site of our old building.

We have been meeting in Florence Road for many years and our new Hall is testament to the Lord's keeping and provision over those years.

"Unless theĀ LordĀ builds the house, the builders labour in vain". Psalm 127:1

New Hall Photo